Local Information

The workshop will take place in Nice city on the campus « Valrose » (Faculté des Sciences) of Nice Sophia Antipolis University.

To get informations on how to come to Nice, see the website of the tourism office:  http://en.nicetourisme.com/coming-to-nice

Connections from Nice airport:

Located in a floral park in the center of Nice (close to the railway station « Nice-ville »), the campus has good public traffic connections:

  • Tramway line 1 : stop « Valrose »
  • Bus lines 23, 24, 37

The workshop will be held in the Room Olivier Chesneau in The Fizeau Building, Parc Valrose (see map below) at the following address:

20, Avenue Valrose, 

Campus Valrose de l’Université de Nice Sofia Antipolis, 

06000 Nice (France)





You can find different hotels on this website (https://hotelnice.fr/), choose either the central station or city center within walking distance from the University:




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