The workshop will consist of pairs of keynotes talks in image formation and machine learning, together with oral presentations, organized into sessions on topics that include, but are not strictly limited to, those listed above. The program will include a "poster pop" session during which each poster presenter will have the opportunity to introduce his/her poster for 5 minutes to the conference attendees.
Both invited speakers and prospective contributors are invited to submit a 250-word abstract to the Advisory Committee via the webpage dedicated to submission. The preferred mode of contribution between oral presentation and poster is asked there. Accepted contributions may be scheduled in the poster sessions. The workshop is promoting the participation of students to the workshop. We warmly invite your students to participate by submitting a poster or by attending.
The accepted contributions, relevant either for an oral presentation or a poster (subject to availability), as well as the keynotes and invited talks, will be recorded as 3-page papers in the proceedings.
Scientific sponsors
Organizing institutions